The past few days in addition to riding I have been packing the Arkel panniers. With the front and back panniers having enough space is not a problem. The problem is limiting what I take so I can keep the weight between 20 and 45 lbs. I've read a couple of articles from other riders and have gotten a lot of ideas from their experience. For example, one writer suggests having the weight distribution 60/40. 60% of the total gear carried in the front panniers which would include spare bike parts and food. Then of course in the back I would carry clothes and toiletries and a possible spare butt if I can find one that fits. The bike is getting heavier and heavier and up to now I have 25 lbs on it and I have not even added cloths or food much less the computer, camera and stereo system. I've gone through three packings so far and haven't found the right mix yet. And don't talk about sleeping bags. When they are sold they come in a nice little packet so small you can almost stick them in your pocket. But, when you take them out of the case they become huge. Oh, I am taking a tent and sleeping bag for the remote areas in Idaho.
I think there are towns out there but I can't find them on the map so I'll be ready. The last time I "roughed it" I spent four days kayaking down rivers in North Florida with some Air Force buddies. During the first day out we spent about six hours on the Suwanee. As luck would have it water found it's way to the sandwiches that were packed too close to the ice. Since that was all we had to eat the master kayak er went hungry. Luckily the beer was unharmed. So, I'll take extra care with my equipment, try to prepare up front, pack essential items and take a credit card.