Well I got to Oregon without any problems. The USAir flights from Charlotte to Las Vegas and Portland went without a hitch. Although, I did lose $50 in the terminal in Las Vegas. As we made our approach into Portland I was awed by how green everything was. The grass and trees were lush and just beautiful. After landing I had to get from the airport to the center of town. But, have to say the mass transit system in Portland is great. I caught a train that goes to and from the airport and then a bus that dropped me off at the Amtrak station. Had to wait three hours for the 6:20pm bus to Astoria which put me there at 8:30. Was looking for a cheap hotel while walking in the rain carrying the rest of my gear that I forgot to ship via FedX. I walked till I smelled curry and knew I found the right place. The hotel was right on main street so I went to sleep with the steady roar of angry truckers. No problem, I think my snoring gave good competition. This morning I awoke to 45 degree day and walked to the bike shop. Scott of Bikes and Beyond had my sled ready and all I had to do was repack and go. I thought about staying there an extra day and starting out Thursday but what the heck. I rode pretty much along the coast, but mixed with three very long and steep climbs. The last went from sea level up to 1600'. I rode about 50 miles from Astoria to Manzanita and the last climb made me cry uncle. I wanted to go about 60 miles but I needed a hot shower and something cold to drink and I was afraid if I went further I'd have to call Dan Kendrick for an emergency leg massage. Along the way I crossed the Columbia river, saw the monument on the boardwalk at Seaside that marks the end of the Lewis and Clark expedition, and ate what was billed as "the best Ruben on the planet". Carnegy Grill in NY isn't in danger. Tommorow I'd like to make Sandlake...but.
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
On the Move
Monday I took the bike and a lot of gear to FedX and shipped it all to Astoria, Or. I am starting there instead of Florence for ease of transportation. That will add about 100 miles to the trip but will give me the opportunity to explore Oregon a little more. Tuesday I left home for a few visits before heading to Oregon. Yesterday I stopped in New Port Richie to visit Kristi and her husband Matt (married on the beach) and today will stop in Gainesville. My oldest daughter lives in gator country, being a ' 75 nole, I'll suffer somewhat just to see her. Thursday we go to NC to visit my sisters, some friends and attend a family reunion. Then on Tuesday 28 April I'll depart Charlotte, NC via USAir for Portland and then on to Astoria.
In the past the "adventure" has been an abstract idea, something to dream about, plan for and something to focus on as a future event. Now the time has come and I'd be lying if I said I didn't have second thoughts. That's a long way. How will the altitude affect me? What about the crime? What happens if a gang of crazed motorcycle riders.....? What about my family, my friends, my dogs? All of these concerns have run through my mind this past week as I prepared to leave Marco yesterday. Am I being selfish? Or am I just denying the fact that I'll be 60 fraking years old in October. I've tossed and turned at three o'clock in the morning trying to answer some of these questions. Sometimes you just have to say, what the heck.
In the past the "adventure" has been an abstract idea, something to dream about, plan for and something to focus on as a future event. Now the time has come and I'd be lying if I said I didn't have second thoughts. That's a long way. How will the altitude affect me? What about the crime? What happens if a gang of crazed motorcycle riders.....? What about my family, my friends, my dogs? All of these concerns have run through my mind this past week as I prepared to leave Marco yesterday. Am I being selfish? Or am I just denying the fact that I'll be 60 fraking years old in October. I've tossed and turned at three o'clock in the morning trying to answer some of these questions. Sometimes you just have to say, what the heck.
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Decision Time

Every time I look at the weather in the NW I see rain mixed with snow. I thought for a while I'd just delay my departure till it warmed and the rain stopped but then I talked with Jean. Jean is one of my Marco ridding buddies who rode the Northern route across the US four years ago. Her ride was an all female group that was supported with a SAG wagon. They left Washington in June and she said it was still cold and rainy and would probably be that way no matter when I crossed the Cascades. Her final suggestion was "just deal with it". So, I've bought winter gear that I can ship home after crossing the Rockies and reconciled myself to the fact that there will be cold. Now, I am planning on departing for Florence, Or. on or about 28 April and start biking around 1 May. Cold or wind or constant heat, a lot of good choices.
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Well, the best made plans should allow for flexibility. Some time ago when I first started flying South America routes, I was introduced to Ekos. Ekos is a brand of toiletries ie. shampoo, face cream, body oils, etc. all made in Brazil. The flight attendants were raving about the product line and suggested I take some home to Theresa. Ekos products, they said contained exotic oils only found in certain trees in the Brazilian rain forest. They went on to say the properties of the oils in the shampoo made hair soft and luxurious and left their hair with a glowing sheen. And as an added benefit all the products retained a hint of the aroma from the seeds that the oils were extracted. The seeds it seems are additives in the monkeys' diet in the Amazon basin. But the seeds have a faint hypnotic effect similar to the effect that wormwood used to have in 19Th century absinthe and acted as a mild aphrodisiac. Needless to say the monkeys were over running the small region where the trees grew.
Anyway, I brought some products home and Theresa loved them. As she gave some away the word some spread and I was carry way too much through customs so I decided to become an import/exporter. I applied for the license and a tourist visa in January expecting the process to take nine months. Monday I got the package back all approved but with one snag. It seems the visas are for two years but you have to take your first trip to Brazil within 90 days of the issue date. Therefore, I am going to delay me bike trip to the fall so I can get all arrangements made in Brazil.
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