Got back on the horse yesterday. The local news in Springfield said Sunday night the coast would be hit with tropical force winds and driving rain. Monday morning the news said around Springfield the winds wouldn't be high till around 4 o'clock. So I started toward the mountains. I had gone about 10 miles and it started to rain.
More rain! Just can't stay dry. To make matters worse the road has narrowed as I get closer to the mountains and shoulders are only about a foot wide. From Springfield to Nimrod the field elevation increased from 500 to 1000'. After 20 miles of rain, grade, and logging trucks, I took a chance on a B&B (Mckenzie River Inn) in Nimrod. I am glad I did. I was the only visitor and had the house to myself complete with fireplace and washing machine and dryer. Ellie the innkeeper was a delightful hostess. She has gone out of her way to make my stay wonderful. As I signed in I noticed the McKenzie River runs directly behind the house and humming birds everywhere. Ellie puts out bird feeders with sugar water and they were constantly zooming around the back porch. This morning I get breakfast with Ellie and then I'll be on my way. I am doing the blog this morning because there are limited facilities for the next two days. The next two days get tougher. A 5000 foot climb and the rain is supposed to continue till Thursday with limited facilities. Not sure where I'll sleep tonight.
ReplyDeleteHey Richard, I am glad you are surviving SO FAR.
ReplyDeleteI hear you are concerned about not getting your mountain legs. Be patient. They will come on time, it may take two to three months, the most four, so keep pedaling. Vic
Hope you found a dry place to stay tonight. Keep the faith.
ReplyDeleteIt has rained constantly here since you left. I think about you every time I walk to the chicken house. Hope you aren't to miserable - the weather will get better and the hills will get smaller - let's see - about the middle of June!!!!! Take care Bro.
ReplyDeletePapi - Ok... I never imagined you would be stopping in a town named "NIMROD" - that would happen to be one of your favorites words; I've dated many a men that you have referred to as a "NIMROD" :) So, the question is were you referring to me or them???? I'm so happy you are hanging in there, but if you need me, I'm here for you and ALWAYS proud of who you are, what you do, and where you go in life! Kritter